The Electric Ladyband are a 4-piece rock blues band fronted by self-proclaimed guitar god, The Andy Mack.
In the spring of 2010, Andy experienced what can only be described as something of a Renaissance, and he finally saw the light. After what seemed like a lifetime of preaching to the unconvinced and uninterested about how he is the best guitarist in the world, he remained unsatisfied.
"Why is it", thought Andy "that even though my ego is inveresly proportionate to my tragically small and deformed penis, does my music still leave me wanting?"
Then it came to him. "I need a keyboard player!"
Since that fateful day, Andy has had much more (ie some) success with woman, and has almost all-but given up hanging round Ramsgate harbour doing favours for sailors. That flakey rash has started to clear up, and he has also begun using deodorant.