As well as performing to sell-out crowds around the world, Tim is currently writing music and lyrics for RSC's new musical version of Roald Dahl's Matilda and his radio sitcom ‘Strings' was broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in May this year.
"Guaranteed to bring the house down." (The Metro)
"Cleverly stupid musical comedy" (Evening Standard)
"The best musical comedian since Bill Bailey" (The Times).
"One of our all time favourite comics. This remarkable Aussie is a musical genius and quite unlike anyone else out there. Just go and see him" (Time Out)
Winner: Perrier Award for Best Newcomer, Edinburgh 2005
Winner: Festival Director's Award, Melbourne 2005
Winner: Best Alternative Comedian, US Comedy Arts Festival 2007
In London, they reckon he's the "Next big thing in musical comedy" (Time Out) and "The best musical comedian since Bill Bailey" (The Times), in Melbourne, they say he's "Witty, smart and unabashedly offensive" (The Age), in New York, they call him "Dazzlingly daffy... so refreshing" (NY Times), in Scotland, they say he's "An extraordinary performer". (The Scotsman) and in Norway, they say "Tim Minchin er noe av det morsomste jeg har sett noen gang." (Stavanger)
Direct from another total sell-out national tour, Tim adds yet another London date, this time at the Roundhouse... featuring a hefty dollop of fresh material and a spoonful of the classics combined in a manner specifically designed to make you want to go to the lavatory.
Winner: Perrier Award for Best Newcomer, Edinburgh 2005
Winner: Festival Director's Award, Melbourne 2005
Winner: Best Alternative Comedian, US Comedy Arts Festival 2007